Katie Suarez Garcia
I am a First-Generation college student. Coming from an immigrant household, I was always told that I had to take every opportunity that they could not as a child, especially with my education. So, I took the risk of applying to college and furthering my education so I could make my parents proud that leaving their country was for nothing. Although applying to college and doing my FAFSA was a challenge, I was able to overcome it with the help of my guidance counselor. When I heard and received my acceptance letter from UNC-Charlotte, I remember seeing the joy overfill my parents' faces and feeling that I wanted to keep seeing them be filled with joy, so I made sure to keep doing my best as a UNCC student. Coming to UNCC was a huge adjustment, from seeing the same people from K-12 to having to see and meet new people from different backgrounds. Allowing myself to do the HLX-FIT program allowed me to ease into the transition and help meet new people before the school year started. Not just that, but allowing myself to join clubs has helped me to get involved. I will always recommend getting involved!