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Destini Petitt

Destini Petitt
she / her

Destini Petitt

Position Title
Graduate Student

I am a first-generation college student and researcher. I come from a working-class family with parents who always pushed me to excel in school. I knew from a very early age that I would work tirelessly to attend college and ultimately receive a doctorate degree. School was not always easy especially when navigating the academic system for the first time — all while working a full-time job. However, through the hardships I learned my way and I hope to help others first-gens have an easier time! Currently, I am a doctoral candidate in the Infrastructure and Environmental Systems program where I research biogeochemical processes of restored headwater streams in Charlotte, NC. I am passionate about seeing other first-gen and minority students succeed and have been a mentor to women in STEM and Latin American students wanting to attend college and graduate school in the United States. I enjoy giving back to the community and have served as the Secretary of Sustainability for the Graduate and Professional Student Government on campus. To all first-gens, never be afraid to ask questions about the academic process and never give up on your dreams... and remember, always leave time to have fun!

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