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28% of Niners identify as first-generation college students and are proudly forging their own paths at Charlotte

'First Gen Forward' in the center of a circle

As the first in their families to attend college, First-Generation college students are an integral and significant part of the UNC Charlotte community.  

We realize that some students may not fit neatly into this description. UNC Charlotte is dedicated to helping all students succeed and recognizes the unique challenges of students who have had limited exposure to college life, including those whose parent(s) did not attend college. These trailblazers may not have family members who can help them navigate the college experience, but they are forging a path of their own. 

As a First-Gen Forward Institution, UNC Charlotte is recognized by NASPA's Center for First-Generation Student Success for its dedication and commitment to advancing First-Generation student success.

Join us in celebrating the successes of our first-gen students, faculty, and staff with pride!

Contact us at 


First-Generation Niners are all First-Generation Niners are all across campus. We encourage any First-Generation Niners to share their stories for other First-Generation Niners to see and know they aren't alone. 

Share Your Story

Are you a first-generation faculty and/or staff member? Complete the form in the box below to be added to the First-Generation Faculty & Staff Directory.

 FAculty & Staff Directory